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Kirstina Colonna started modeling as a child, so she was no stranger to the modeling industry when she was scouted, while on vacation in Los Angeles at age 16teen.
„I was flying back and forth between San Francisco and Los Angeles booking jobs until I was 18teen and decided to make a career out of it and signed to an agency in L.A full time. 
I started working with Break.com, creating Parodies and it took off from there. When my Justin Bieber Parody "THE BIEBER MOVIE: FOR GUYS," reached over a million views within 24 hours. My Instagram following blew up and my modeling agency was flooded with job offers.
I quickly realized the magnitude with which social media had between booking campaigns and influencing people.
Modeling has not only been a creative outlet but also allows me to promote my work and what I value and believe in. I have been able to use my social media following from modeling to work with ethical brands, educate and inspire my followers.
I set out to inspire individuals, in particular those who want to live a lifestyle of higher consciousness. I like to show people all over the world that they can look and feel great by applying natural and cruelty-free means and methods to their daily lives. Many people are discouraged by a lack of knowledge; however, I think we are all here to teach and learn from one another.
Besides modeling I act, work as a wellness coach, run my own yoga and reflexology practice, as well as, a consulting company with my best friend Kay Smythe.“

Kirstina has been vegan since 2010.
„Although I went back and forth between vegetarian and pescatarian since I was 10 years old. I studied nutrition and learned how easy it is to get all of my nutrients and protein by being consciousness of what I consume. I follow a healthy well rounded vegan diet only eating fresh organic food and never anything processed.
My upbringing definitely sparked and shaped my path to a healthy vegan lifestyle. My parents really fostered a non judgmental household filled with encouragement to always follow my heart, and to be kind to others and the world around us. We always had lots of pets; we were known around the neighborhood as the rescue animal house. My Mother rescued two wolves when I was a toddler and they were like members of the family. Building the bonds I had with all my pets I couldn’t imagine eating a living being. I’m vegan because I strive to live a peaceful and healthy life. I believe we take on the energy from the food we eat, the products we put on our skin and the clothes we wear. I consciously make peaceful and loving choices every day.
It is pretty amazing to wake up every morning knowing that every decision I make is to cause as little harm as possible.“
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Kirstina C.

Bookable from LA

Height 170 cm
Dress 34 eu
Shoes 39
Breast 86cm
Waist 67 cm
Hips 88 cm
Eyes Green
Hair Brown