„I came home from school one day when I was 10 years old and said “Mom, I’m a vegetarian”. She initially thought I would last a week, but since then I never went back.
I’ve been the biggest animal lover since I can remember, so animal welfare used to be my main drive. Only later, growing up, I learned much more about the environmental side of it and these became equally important to me.
I’ve been working freelance since I was 18 years old. Next to occasional modeling jobs, my passion for health and making people healthy led me to work as a part-time personal trainer.
Here, I learned more about health and made the switch from vegetarian to vegan.
Because a lot of people still think of meat when they think of muscles, I decided to compete in a fitness competition and do it completely vegan, to prove “no meat - no problem”. I prepared for 6 months, and won first place.
In 2018 I firstly modeled abroad.
I spent 3 months in Cape Town and did both some acting and modeling jobs. Next to this, I had plenty of time for my hobbies: writing, reading, yoga and surfing.
I am a firm believer that change begins at the bottom, so I try to make a change every day, no matter how little. And if one person teaches that to another, and so on, I believe we can make the world a better place.“

Beau B.
Bookable from Amerstdam
Height 174 cm
Dress 36 eu
Shoes 39
Breast 87cm
Waist 68 cm
Hips 98 cm
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde